Friday, May 8, 2009

Bad me

I read Shannon Hale's Princess Academy in one sitting last night. I can't put those books down!!!!

Let me clarify why I say it's bad, though I'm only half serious. I love to get into a book so much that it's hard to put down. It's so fun to be pulled in that way. But then I'm sad when it's over, wish there were more, etc. And it was bad because I was up until midnight reading it.


Michael Family said...

Why is that bad? Is it a racy book or something?

amydear said...

I really liked that one. There's a new Bayern one coming out (that's the series that starts with Goose Girl). Have you read those?

Maggie said...

hey, I love the picture of your girls in their matching shirts... too cute. I love good books too.

Unknown said...

You just described me a lot!

ps...midnight is NOT staying up late/all night reading a book! :D

Britney said...

I love when you get a really good book. And I love reading all cozy in bed. Can't beat that!!