Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Where I'm From

I'm participating in Cocoa's Wordfull Wednesday blog hop.

I'm from ponderosa pines
and huckleberries
in their abundance
on the hillside
while mountain biking
with my father.

I'm from deer, quail, elk,
and even an
occasional moose
visiting our yard
in the wintertime.

I'm from swimming
for hours,
coming home to
popcorn and ice cream,
especially Mary Lou's.

I'm from long rides
in the summertime
in Big Blue.
Finding a camp ground,
clothing optional :)
and looking for Sasquatch.

I'm from leotards
and pointe shoes
and tutus
and weeks of practicing
and hours of performing.

I'm from cleanliness
and reading until
I get a headache,
and then reading
some more.

I'm from growing pains
and love
and marriage
and childbirth
and humility.

If you want to participate too, here are Cocoa's instructions:

I originally saw this on Sonja's blog, Wonder Years. I thought it was a wonderful way to get a glimpse into what makes you, YOU. The assignment for today is to write a poem in the style of George Ella Lyon's "Where I'm From" poem.

One thing that helped me in writing was to do a brainstorming blitz first. I just wrote down memories and things from my past and heritage that were important to me or played a role in my life. It didn't take very long, maybe five minutes. Use short phrases! Writing the poem was much easier because I had this list of things to pull from and write about.

Join us for Wordfull Wednesday! Write your own "Where I'm From" poem then link to it here.
This is a Blog Hop!


amydear said...

Hey, I'm from there too!

Montserrat said...

Do you name your vehicles too? I'm guessing that's what Big Blue is. Our van is Bronwyn. =)

Michael Family said...

I like it! Although I didn't know what Big Blue was until i read that comment. Silly me.

Amanda said...

Insightful. Beautiful.